> 文章列表 > 吃元宵可以说闹元宵吗英语



Sweet Dumplings: What\'s the Chinese name?

你的拼写有误,应为dumplings. Sweet dumplings在国外指的是那种很像中国的水饺的食品,里面往往包一些红糖、白糖一类的甜的东西,中文可译为汤圆、元宵。

汤圆,又称元宵,在国外被称为sweet dumplings,外形类似中国的水饺,但内部包含甜的馅料,如红糖、白糖等。这是一种传统的中国元宵节的食品。

根据网友提供的信息,dumplings在英文中叫做sweet dumplings,类似于中国的汤圆或元宵。因此,这种食品在国外也被翻译为sweet dumplings。它的外形和中国的水饺相似,但内部包含着甜的馅料,如红糖和白糖等。所以,国外的sweet dumplings可以被视为中国传统元宵节的食品之一。

How to say \"Dip soybean sauce while eating sweet dumplings\" in English?

The phrase \"Dip soybean sauce while eating sweet dumplings\" can be translated as \"蘸酱油吃元宵\" in Chinese. In English, it can be expressed as \"Dip the sweet dumplings in soybean sauce while eating.\"

蘸酱油吃元宵,可以用英文表达为\"Dip the sweet dumplings in soybean sauce while eating.\" 这句话传达的意思是在享用元宵的同时,将其蘸上酱油食用。这种吃法在中国非常常见。

The phrase \"Dip soybean sauce while eating sweet dumplings\" is commonly used in China to describe the act of dipping sweet dumplings in soybean sauce before eating them. This practice adds a savory flavor to the sweetness of the dumplings. In English, the phrase can be translated as \"Dip the sweet dumplings in soybean sauce while eating.\" This conveys the same idea of enjoying the delicious combination of sweet and savory flavors.

How to say \"Wishing you a happy Lantern Festival\" in English?

The English expression for \"祝大家元宵快乐\" is \"Wishing you a happy Lantern Festival.\" Another way to express this is \"Happy The Lantern Festival!\" or \"Happy Lantern Festival!\"

在元宵节这一天,我们通常会互相祝福,表达对彼此的美好祝愿。用英文表达\"祝大家元宵快乐\"可以说\"Wishing you a happy Lantern Festival\"。或者可以简单地说\"Happy Lantern Festival!\"这句话传达了对他人元宵节的祝福和美好的祝愿。

The phrase \"Wishing you a happy Lantern Festival\" is commonly used to express good wishes to others during the Lantern Festival in China. It\'s a way to convey happiness and blessings to friends, family, and loved ones. In English, you can also say \"Happy The Lantern Festival!\" or \"Happy Lantern Festival!\" to express the same greeting and convey positive emotions.

How to say \"Lantern Festival\" in English?

The English translation for \"元宵节\" is \"The Lantern Festival.\" Another way to write it in English is \"Lantern Festival.\"